I got up Monday and found that I was going to have a most difficult day. I had dreadful digestive issues and spent the whole morning in the washroom and worried about the fact that I was due at the hospital within hours. I have had IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) my whole life and this is not unusual for me but this was an especially tough bout that was lasting for hours.

I was no better when we arrived at the hospital and I was becoming a little concerned. This is a story that might be inappropriate but was funny at the time. When I went into the lab to have my blood taken, I said to the lab tech that I was actually worried that when she stuck a needle in my arm, I was concerned that I would soil myslef. She asked if I wanted to go into the bathroom, sit on the toilet and she would take my blod sample in there. The whole image was so funny that we laughed for a long time (hey, you take it where you can get it). We managed to get through it cleanly and efficiently in the lab chair.

The oncologist asked many questions as to whether I had fever, stomach pains, headache to go along with my problem. I assured her that this had happeed to me many times and I would probably be better by the end of the day. I was a little concerned as the rest of the week was taken up by doctors, dentist, hospital visits, chemo and I had to be ready for it.

My doctor asked me to call by Wednesday if I was no better as we would have to postpone chemo.

We went home and not only did it get worse, I began to feel so weak and sick that I couldn’t get out of bed. For the next two days, I had such severe vomiting, diarrhea and weakness that I could barely get up from the bed. I couldn’t eat, drink, not even sips of water. In the middle of the night between Tuesday and Wednesday, I was so distraught that I considered calling 911. I didn’t know what I wanted them to do but never in my life had I been so unwell.

I called the oncologist on Wednesday and it was decided that all of my appointments would now be cancelled or postponed. We cancelled the dentist appoinment that had been made to replace a filling that had fallen out. I was so disappointd as it took great coordination between oncology and the dentist’s office to fit the appointment beween chemo visits and not disturb my treatments. I have no idea when this can be rescheduled. It also meant cancelling the appointment for my picc line insertion and now I was looking forward to another chemo treatment with five needle jabs to get there. Cancelling chemo held mixed feelings – I was feeling so unwell that I was glad to take some time to feel bettwer but the calendar for getting through all the treatments was set in my mind and I hate elongating that process. The oncologist ordered an intravenous line for hydration here at home for three days because it turned out I was severely dehydrated. After my first IV sesssion, I was feeling a little better, but weak, shaky and able to eat and drink a little. I have no idea where I picked up a flu bug but let’s face it, it could be anywhere. We have decided that we’re going to have to be careful how often I’m out where there will be crowds as it turns out that the flu while on chemo is the flu with all symptoms multiplied tenfold. I can truly say that I have never been this kind of sick in my life.

I am so grateful to my husband who had been nursemaid, housekeeper, shopper, carry and tote guy with no complaints and everything was delivered with love and a smile. I don’t know how I could have come through this without him, thanks honey!

Categories: MY JOURNEY