I know that I have mentioned before that I am a strong believer in affirmations and charms, trinkets, reminders.

Dictionary definitions are as follows:

Affirmations: affirmations are positive thoughts, statements that can overcome self-sabotaging negative thoughts. Repeating affirmations can establish a habit of positivity.
Charms, trinkets, reminders: a lucky charm is a trinket, piece of jewelry or a talisman that can be believed to bring good luck but it can also be a visible reminder of positivity, luck and the possibility of good things about to happen.

Over the years, I have adopted so many affirmations and worn or carried talismans and they have most certainly served me well. I am not about to say that I believe firmly that carrying a four-leaf clover will ensure that I win the lottery, but I do believe that if I reach in my pocket or feel the talisman piece of jewelry on my neck or wrist, it is a reminder for me that looking for the positive and feeling positive about the future is a better way to live. Here are some examples of the affirmations and talismans that I have repeated in my mind, carried and worn for years:

  • fake it till you make it – now keep in mind that this was during the 1970’s when quoting really weird statements was in vogue. Nonetheless, what it meant was, if you act like you’re okay, you will be okay. For me, there was a saying that goes like this, “a bird doesn’t sing because he’s happy, he’s happy because he sings”. In other words, if you paste a smile on your face, at some point you will mean it. Now, I know that in today’s thinking, all of this is dead wrong and I know that it will not help with true depression but it’s not a bad way to rearrange your thoughts.

I heard a radio announcer yesterday read from a study that people who carry a good luck charm are more successful. I did a little research and couldn’t find that specific study but when you think about it, carrying a good luck charm is a good reminder of positive things about to come. When you believe this, you often find the energy, will and determination to make those positive things happen. Therefore, you will find me with a shiny person in my purse, probably a shiny necklace or bracelet and tapping into the positive thoughts and feelings that will take me to the next chapter!

  • You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along. You must do the thing you think you cannot do. In this quote from Eleanor Roosevelt, it is important to note that she says ‘the thing you think you cannot do’ which doesn’t mean, you don’t think it can be done, you think you can’t do it. But knowing and remembering that you can use your experiences of your past in this one is a truly empowering thought. Without question, this is my all time favourite quote ever and I have it written and posted in many places. During the darkest time of my life, I posted it on my refrigerator and reading it daily gave me strength.
  • Never, never, never give up. This is a quote of Winston Churchill. I kept this is in my head when was running. It helped me to see the finish line in front of me and carried me through.

So, now it’s time for my new one, the one that’s going to carry me through this next chapter. CHANGE YOUR THOUGHTS AND YOU CHANGE YOUR WORLD. This certainly is in line with all of the learning and experiences I have had in the past ten or so years. We know that changing your thoughts will change your brain’s thought patterns and repeating this phrase is a most empowering experience. I know that I will also use my shiny people to reinforce this – I’ve learned that holding, looking at, thinking of being a person surrounded and enveloped by shine brings your mind to a more positive place. It’s also true that where the mind goes, the body follows so on the days when I don’t want to get moving, I will use my new positive thoughts and shine to set my new daily goals and look to the future.

Categories: MY JOURNEY